Calculation formula for copper surcharge
The silver surcharge stated in our offers and order confirmations is based on the price issued by Westmetall for fine silver processed. Our prices are usually based on EUR 300,-/1kg.
Below we would like to show you the calculation formula:
AG weight
The silver content of a wire or cable in kg / km (as shown on catalogue tables)
Silver note
The price issued by Westmetall for fine silver processed.
Example calculation:
The silver base (e.g. EUR 300.-) that may already be included in the cable price is deducted from the silver note. The result is then multiplied by the AG weight of the cable. This result is called the silver surcharge and is added to the price of the cable.
Article: L5Y (PTFE) AWG 14
Amount: 100m = price EUR 300.00/100m (silver base EUR 300.-/1kg)
AG weight: 0.38 kg/km = 0.038 kg/100m
Silver note: EUR 900.00/1kg
Silver surcharge:(900.00-300)=600.00/1kgx0.038=EUR 22.80/100m
Total price of the cable: | Cable Price | EUR | 300,00/100m |
Silver Surcharge |
EUR | 22,80/100m | |
Copper Surcharge |
EUR | 16,00/100m |
Total price | EUR | 338,80/100m |