
Conflict minerals

Herewith we are able to confirm, that our products are free from so-called “conflict minerals”, according to the Dodd-Frank-act. Our upstream suppliers, also confirm to us, that their products don´t contain any “conflict minerals” by their actually state of knowledge.


Declaration to conflict minerals 02 / 2019


RoHS conformity (European Union guideline 2011/65/EU)

We have been producing all of our cables in respective of the guideline 2011/65/EU and of the guideline 2006/122/EG (DecaBDE - PFOS)

On the basis of our testing and due to the statements of our customers no changes of the technical characteristics have occurred. Concerning the optical characteristics small colour deviations or small changes in the condition of the coat surface are possible in individual cases. These small changes are caused by the altered contents of the raw material.

Our wide stock assortment is completelly changed over to RoHS conform products. Non-conformal commodity can in some cases still be used after the deadline 01.07.2006 (special arrangements and/or no prohibitions for certain application purposes, cases of repair). In these cases, please don´t hesitate to contact us: for single products we already have some stock, please start an inquiry. Every remaining non-conformal product in stock is clearly labelled. Supply with non-conformal products will only take place after the customer has been consulted and after the explicit agreement of the customer has been granted!


RoHS-conformity, incl. Deca-BDE and PFOS 01 / 2024



(Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation of Chemicals)


Since 01.06.2007 an EU-wide law about chemicals are existing. In order that, manufactorer and importers should accept a responsibility for the safety handling with their substances. They have the liability to register the substances, which are in quantities from more than 1 t / p.a and in a concentration from more than 0,1mass percentage containing their products.
As a manufactorer and distributor of cables & wires the law don´t affect us directly. Those companies who produce such chemical substances respectivly import them from third countries are reportable according to this edict.
As a convertor respectivly distributor we have to confirm us the compliance of this edict by our suppliers.


REACH-confirmation 12 / 2024


Packaging Ordinance (VerpackV)


Sales Packaging:
The 5th amendment to the packaging Ordinance (Verpackungsverordnung) dated January 1st 2009 requires that all sales packaging which basically arise at the end user (households or comparable collection points) have to be registered in a dual system (§ 6 Abs. 1 Satz 1). The so-called initial circulator (e.g. manufacturer, bottler or importer) of the sales packaging has to be registered in a dual system.

Transport Packaging:
Manufacturers and Distributors who put transport packaging, outer packaging and / or sales packaging into circulation within the scope of the Packaging Ordinance (Verpackungsverordnung) are obliged according § 4, § 5 bzw. § 7 VerpackV to take back used packaging and recycle them.

Pursuant to § 11 of the Ordinance, manufacturers and Distributors are allowed to use third parties for fulfillment of their obligations from this Ordinance.

We hereby confirm
1. Our participation in the DSD system INTERSEROH (sales packaging) and
2. The agreement with INTERSEROH for the disposal of transport packaging


Our contract number is 100901.

Recycling certificate 2022


Confirmation of participation in the Dual System 2022